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  Bid History

$70.00 by Theresa Fultz
02/18/2015 08:53:38 PM

$65.00 by Gina Moore
02/18/2015 02:14:24 PM

$60.00 by Diane Greenlaw
02/18/2015 04:30:30 AM

$55.00 by Gina Moore
02/11/2015 08:29:25 AM

$50.00 by Joy Kelly
02/11/2015 07:18:18 AM

$45.00 by David Verkest
02/10/2015 10:51:00 PM

$40.00 by Laura Wheeler
02/10/2015 08:21:14 PM

$35.00 by Theresa Fultz
02/10/2015 08:14:02 PM

$30.00 by Laura Wheeler
02/10/2015 07:00:49 PM

Value: $$52

$52 Gift Certificate to Seasons 52! Seasonally inspired ingredients at their peak of freshness. Rustic cooking techniques that bring out natural flavors and are inherently lighter—with nothing on the menu more than 475 calories.